poniedziałek, 11 maja 2009

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7 komentarzy:

asia pisze...

mmm, jak erotycznie

Dedallina pisze...

hehehe :) zupełnie przypadkowo! widać coś mi z nieświadomości promieniuje ;)

asia pisze...

albo mi :)

Mike pisze...

Dlaczego w wiosennym całym jest o kwiatach?
(Ok, I don't know if last sentence makes sense, I was just wondering why in spring time everything is about flowers... also is f&%"ing hot and you sweat like a horse!!)
So long since last time I was here, it's a pleasure to see your pics again.

Dedallina pisze...

Witaj ponownie mIkE!!!! :)
First of all - gracias for Your kind words! :D
Your polski is getting better all the time!! That sentense is brilliant - not fully gramaticly correct but You said in a way that made Your question sound poetic!
Well, I realised myself that I went too far when I added those pics! :P They are not even taken recently, but almost a year ago!
Well, I guess I don't have to act logicly, do I? And if anything seems to make sense here, in fact it probably doesn't!
I plan on adding some pics on different subjects soon, but I need a moment off to do so!
Hmmm, I'm also afraid there may be more flowers, this time the recent, real spring ones...

PS: In here is not as hot yet, the severe sweating starts in June... May is actually perfect - not too dry, not too wet, very green... Well, sometimes a bit too happy for my liking.

Saludar! (or maybe rather: saludo?)

Mike pisze...

oddaję z Językiem polskim... To jest tak trudny!

dedallina pisze...

Eeee tam, od razu trudny!
It's only the 4th most difficult language in the world! At least this is what I heard, but I'm not sure if this is true - Poles love to exaggerate and hyperbolise everything that refers to them, terrible nation! ;P
Well, I cannot judge You as I got very lazy with Spanish too!! :)